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1.0 (°C)
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(Updated: 12/26/2024, 19:30,
S-Mitte, Amt für Umweltschutz
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Increasing heat waves require human-biometeorological analyses on the planning-related potential to mitigate human heat stress within urban districts
Doctoral thesis by Ms. Hyunjung Lee


This cumulative thesis concerns the planning-related potential to mitigate local human heat stress within urban spaces of Central European cities. Facing regional climate change, particularly the embedded heat waves, this represents a current issue of urban humanbiometeorology.

Four publications addressing specific objectives within this issue are the basis of the thesis:
I. Shevchenko, O., Lee, H., Snizhko, S., Mayer, H., 2014: Long-term analysis of heat waves in Ukraine. International Journal of Climatology 34, 1642-1650, DOI: 10.1002/joc.3792.

II. Lee, H., Holst, J., Mayer, H., 2013: Modification of human-biometeorologically significant radiant flux densities by shading as local method to mitigate heat stress in summer within urban street canyons. Advances in Meteorology 2013, article ID 312572, 13 pages, DOI: 10.1155/2013/312572.

III. Lee, H., Mayer, H., Schindler, D., 2014: Importance of 3-D radiant flux densities for outdoor human thermal comfort on clear-sky summer days in Freiburg, Southwest Germany. Meteorologische Zeitschrift 23, 315-330, DOI: 10.1127/0941-2948/2014/0536.

IV. Lee, H., Mayer, H., Chen, L., 2015: Contribution of trees and grasslands to the mitigation of human heat stress in a residential district of Freiburg, Southwest Germany. Landscape and Urban Planning, DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2015.12.004.

... more information can be found in the doctoral thesis!

Download: Doctoral thesis as pdf-File (1,8 MB)


© City of Stuttgart, Office for Environmental Protection, Section of Urban Climatology