Current meteorological data | |
Air temperature: | 52.88 (°F) |
11.6 (°C) | |
Wind speed: | 8 (km/h) |
Wind direction: | N-O, 50.9 ° |
Global radiation: | -- (W/m²) |
Act. UV-Index: | 0 |
Precipitation: | 0.0 (ltr/m²) |
(Updated: 03/11/2025, 12:00, S-Mitte, Amt für Umweltschutz |
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Download of measurement data from all urban stations (8) now possible | |
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Meteorological Annual Report 2024, Stuttgart Hohenheim | |
Annual Report 2024 | |
Climate Center Stuttgart | |
Climate Dashboard Stuttgart | |
Summer Days and Hot Days in Stuttgart (until 2024) | |
Air: Press releases (German) | |
UV-Index Prognosis (BfS) | |
Urban climate Viewer: Maps and plans with detailed thematic maps on climate, air and noise | |
Noise Maps Stuttgart 2022 | |
Noise action plan Stuttgart | |
Clean air plan Stuttgart | |
NO2 and PM10 exceedances | |
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* With reference to GRASSL & KLINGENHOLZ (1990), >> Wir Klimamacher << |
1) | The public funding of energy saving measures is to be further extended. |
2) | Innovative businesses developing climate protection solutions and technologies are to be funded. |
3) | Renewable energy sources are to receive tax incentives in order to facilitate their market launch.. |
4) | All companies are to formulate how they plan to dispose of new buildings or new acquisitions in the future before they begin. |
5) | Public transport is to be extended and further subsidized. |
6) | Energy prices are to be successively increased to their true level by taking into account the costs for pollution, landscape degradation etc. |
7) | Energy prices are to be graded in a way that a high specific consumption becomes more expensive. |
8) | Subsidies for local coal are to be stopped and put into energy saving programs instead. |
9) | The motor vehicle tax is to be dropped and should be considered within the petrol price instead. |
10) | The tax-supported mileage allowance for passenger cars is to be cancelled. |
11) | The percentage of long-distance cargo transportation per rail is to be increased. |
12) | Birth control programs, especially in developing countries, are to be promoted. |
13) | The promotion of energy saving measures in developing countries is to become a key issue of development aid from industrial nations. |
14) | Development aid is to be channelled so that developing countries will directly adopt ways for a clean energy supply (solar energy, wind energy, energy from biomass) without exploiting fossil energy sources first. |
15) | Development programs are to protect both the tropical rainforest and the boreal forest (taiga). |
16) | Whenever possible, areas are to be reforested. |
17) | Public funds for climate research programs are to be increased and coordinated. |
18) | Avoid products which contain substances like CFC and FC. These are long-lived greenhouse gases and destroy the ozone within the stratosphere. OECD countries have prohibited the use of CFCs and FCs. |
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19) | Don't use your car for short distances of only a few kilometres. |
20) | Use your bike instead. |
21) | Plan your next Sunday trip within walking or cycling distance. |
22) | Be idle, for once. In ecological terms, idleness is the most preferable form of existence. |
23) | Use means of public transport. |
24) | Form carpools. |
25) | On distances of less than 500 kilometres, travel by train instead of flying. Executives benefit more from a four-hour train ride than from a hectic two-and-a-half-hour flight. |
26) | Avoid business trips when the job can just as well be done by phone, telefax or email. |
27) | Rather go on one long holiday than on several short ones. |
28) | If necessary, use a small, light and energy efficient car with a catalytic converter, also when you are abroad. |
29) | Contact your local representative and ask them how they intend to fight the man-made greenhouse effect and advance the saving of energy. |
30) | When you renovate your home or build a new house, remember to install an efficient insulation and a modern heating system, preferably run with renewable energies. A well-insulated room with a room temperature of 19 °C is just as comfortable as a badly insulated room at 21 °C due to its warmer walls. |
31) | Draw your employer's attention on any kind of dissipation of energy - e.g. through leaky windows, non-controllable radiators, overheated rooms, dripping faucets etc. |
32) | Avoid night storage heating. |
33) | Wear a pullover at home when it's cold. Lowering the room temperature by 1 °C reduces your heating costs by about 6 %. |
34) | Turn off the heating when you air your rooms. Tilted windows on a winter morning leak an enormous amount of warmth, even more so when the heating is on. |
35) | Turn off the light when you leave the room. |
36) | Use energy saving bulbs. |
37) | When possible, use a gas stove. |
38) | Put a lid on the pot. This saves at least 6 % of energy. |
39) | Use a pressure cooker for food with a long cooking time. This saves up to 43 % of energy. |
40) | Avoid the highest temperatures when doing your laundry. They are practically unnecessary. This saves up to 4 KWh of electric energy per washing. |
41) | Defrost your fridge regularly. You only want to cool your food and not breed glaciers... |
42) | Turn off your electric appliances completely, don't use the stand-by mode. This way you can save real money. |
43) | Prefer a top-opening freezer to an upright freezer. Each time the door of an upright freezer is opened, the specific heavy and cold air "falls out". The energy saving effect amounts to about 35 %. |
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44) | Eat less meat - also for your health's sake. |
45) | Buy local products, preferably where you can be sure the distribution path is short, e.g. on your local market. This is also where three-star chiefs get their fresh groceries. |
46) | Buy only consumer goods/electric appliances that you really need. When possible, have broken appliances fixed. The production of new appliances needs more energy. This way you also stimulate small trades and help to produce jobs. |
47) | Avoid needless electric appliances in your household, like electric knives, tin openers or bread cutters. |
48) | Save precious raw materials. The combustion of plastics produces CO2 and partly polluting exhaust gases, while their production requires a lot of energy. |
49) | Prefer deposit bottles. Avoid one-way and especially plastic bottles. Don't buy beverage cans. |
50) | Leave disproportionate packing in your supermarket - until products packed this way disappear from the shelves. |
51) | Produce as little waste as possible. Use your own bag or casket for your groceries, recycle and, when possible, start a compost pile for organic waste. |
52) | Avoid senseless and superfluous products. Television advertising provides a good overview of such products as the most superfluous goods need the most extensive propaganda in an affluent society like ours. |
53) | Return precious raw materials to your local recycling centre. |
54) | Save water and avoid unnecessary impurities. The production of drinking water and the treatment of wastewater require a lot of energy. |
55) | Take a shower instead of a bath. This way you can save both water and energy. |
56) | When you build or renovate your house, consider the use of grey water: you can use your bath water for example for the toilet flushing. |
57) | Benefit from public promotional programs for the saving of energy when building or renovating your house. |
58) | Use recycled products to protect natural resources. |
59) | Use a dual-flush toilet. This saves up to 50 % of water per flushing. The current price for 1 m3 of water including wastewater is about 4 euros. |
60) | Use rainwater for watering your flowers for example. |
61) | Have a water meter installed in your house. This makes the water consumption transparent for everyone. |
62) | Avoid chemical products in your household, like insect sprays, aggressive detergents, furniture polish. They will sooner or later end up in the water. |
63) | Dispose of your hazardous waste in recycling centres. Do not flush toxic substances down the toilet! |
64) | Return no longer required and expired meds to your pharmacy. |
65) | Do not use chemical fertilizers and pesticides in your garden. This protects the groundwater. |
66) | Use wood from ecological cultivation bearing a seal of quality (preferably local woods) when building or renovating your home. Trees bind CO2 and as long as the wood is in use, we protect the climate. |
67) | Convert at least part of your flower garden into a vegetable and fruit orchard. Plant old varieties as they preserve the genetic diversity and require less care. |
68) | Plant trees (preferably local species). They are preferred by birds and insects. |
69) | Keep tropical wood furniture that you have already purchased in use. The trees have already been chopped and their combustion would only release carbon dioxide. |
70) | If all citizens fulfilled their civic duty, a good percentage of the climate problem could be solved immediately at an even higher level of well-being. Tell everybody you know what needs to be done and what every single one of us can do to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. |
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© City of Stuttgart, Office for Environmental Protection, Section of Urban Climatology |